Discover the various bemberg heating and air conditioning systems for energy savers and thought leaders.
Back in the 1960s, Paul Bemberg invented a sauna heating system in which the thermal air flow of the heating system was not guided through a stone volume, but could flow directly and unhindered into the sauna cabin. This heating system was supported by a coupled turbine fan, so that the air roller of the rear wall technology heats the cabin more evenly and much more efficiently than a classic sauna heater.
The result was that the sauna cabin was heated extremely quickly and quite efficiently for the requirements of the time. A small but very efficient stone volume could be heated separately for infusions in Finnish saunas. Over 50 years ago, the inventor Paul Bemberg solved the problem of temperature fluctuations, which he discovered back then by selectively redirecting the air flow (sometimes through the stone volume and sometimes past the stone volume). Many of these systems are still in successful operation today and are gradually being converted by Bemberg to our newer energy efficiency standards of the 21st century.
Many bemberg customers have been using the advantages of the energetic heating system, which is based on the special rear wall technology, for decades. Thanks to the system's own stone volume, Finnish infusions can be carried out with the same intensity as with a classic sauna heater. The energy efficiency is up to 30%.
A whole group of engineers worked on the bemberg hybrid heating system before it was developed to the point of patent maturity and registered for international protection. The Bemberg hybrid heating system combines all of our experience with today's requirements. The more sustainable this building heating is designed, the more sustainably the Bemberg heat cabin works. In a Finnish sauna, up to 50% is taken from the water-based building heating. With a soft steam sauna like the Bemberg Fresh Feeling up to 90%.
The use of the hybrid heating system is particularly suitable for new buildings, which should ideally be brought up to date with this new state of the art by the architect. But you shouldn't do without it even in old buildings that are already in the renovation phase. Aesthetes who don't want to miss out on the retro look of a classic sauna heater are also not left out, because the hybrid unit can also be combined with classic sauna heaters Combine Bemberg range. The sauna heater is controlled together with the hybrid convector via the hybrid processor.

120 - 137°C
80 - 100°C
60 - 70°C
35 - 50°C
According to the basic laws of physics, it gets hottest on the sauna ceiling. The air heated by the sauna heater expands, becomes lighter and rises. The humidity here is only 2-5%.
On the upper bench level you can enjoy the classic Finnish dry sauna. The low humidity here of 5-20% ensures that we can tolerate the heat well and the sweat on our skin evaporates.
At the middle bench level the humidity already rises to up to 30%. Due to the lower temperatures in this area, it can be tolerated well. This place is particularly suitable for sauna sessions that are gentle on the circulation.
It is significantly cooler in the lower area of the sauna. Supply and exhaust air are placed in this area to ensure regular air exchange and thus a good climate in the sauna - especially during an infusion where the humidity increases significantly for a short time.